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Lyanna currently serves as the editor in chief of Obscur Media, an independent online media publication. They will soon be publishing their first magazine issue, 'Evolve'.


Under the umbrella of Obscur, Lyanna also launched and cohosts the media podcast White Noise. The podcast concerns under-recognised cinema and television as well as analysis of their themes and context. They often invite guests to discuss media that they are recognised for being passionate about. 


As a freelance media journalist, Lyanna focuses primarily on film and has been featured in both Film Daze and Film Inquiry. She seeks to expand her portfolio.


See below for some highlighted pieces of writing.

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BFI Flare '21, Tove. May 2021, We Love Cinema

Fantasia '20, The Columnist. Sep 2020, Obscur

Fantasia '20, Special Actors. Sep 2020, Obscur

Cannes '19, Matthias et Maxime. June 2019, Film Inquiry

Too Late to Die Young. June 2019, Film Daze

Podcast Features

Nightcrawler. July 2021, Silver Screen Unseen.

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