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Lyanna Hindley is a multidisciplinary artist and media advocate from Cornwall who can't quite bring herself to settle on one medium. She thinks it makes her more like David Lynch, but it actually just shows that she's a Gemini.​


Lyanna is also the founder of Obscur Media and has served as its editor-in-chief since it launched in September 2019. She has focused primarily on film retrospectives and festival coverage in her journalism career.


She previously served as Digital Creator and Web Manager with Mor Media Charity (formerly Cornwall Film Festival). In her role, she has assisted in general admin support, marketing, content creation, recruitment and web maintenance.


In 2022, Lyanna participated in Fabrica Gallery's Fresh Perspectives Young Programmer group. As a member, Lyanna aided in programming curated screenings that aligned with the gallery's artist exhibitions.


Lyanna has worked on various short film productions, including debut film The After Party which has completed crowdfunding and is currently in its pre-production stage. She also produced the 48-hour film competition entry Play Again? and is in pre-production for her directorial debut.

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